
Condition Field

The project started in November 2021 and was implemented over three school years (until November 2024). Four countries took part and corresponding school classes were selected. In the end, Greece could not be included in the evaluation due to the situation at hand which is explained in this presentation by ELIX, the greek partner. It also proved difficult to compare the two schools from Denmark, as the test documents from one partner school were not available in full.

Four measurement dates for the quantitative test procedures were carried out over three years: November 2021 / June 2022 / November 2022 / June 2023

The test procedures (SDQ, LSL, FEES) were carried out by the teachers/pupils, which were then digitally analysed and converted into graphics. In addition to these survey instruments, qualitative interviews (of teachers, storytellers, pupils) were also conducted to provide a detailed insight into the success of the study.

The following table shows the classes that achieved results in at least the first test period (T1) and the last test period. Individual pupils who left or joined the class were not included in the survey. The experimental classes are those classes that heard a story told by a storyteller on a weekly basis. The control classes were included in the tests, but did not hear any stories.

You can see them in the legends of the graphics:
Pupils EC → Pupils in an experimental/storytelling class
Pupils CC → Pupils in a control class (no stories)

Participating Classes Pupils (m/f)
Germany Control Class A 19
Germany Control Class B 19
Germany Experimental Class 17
Belgium Experimental Class 13
Denmark Experimental Class 17
Denmark Control Class 18
Overall Population (N) 103

„There once was a boy who could not sit still …“
(pupil no.21, Germany)

Quantitative Results - Individual

There once was a boy …

… who could not sit still. Eyes gliding from side to side taking everything in he remarked on all which was happening in class. A constant trouble maker. Then one day a storyteller came and a fairytale enfolded in front of his ears. His mouth closed, his eyes sparkled and he sat still for 40 minutes. Pupil no.21’s diagnosis: ADHS.
For the teller who knew nothing about his diagnosis he was a delight with his imagination, his intelligent remarks and his curious questions.

In this study, pupil no.21 was compared to another pupil from a control class. Both were tested as „pupils at risk“.


Overall problem value: pupil no.21’s development improves to category “normal“.
Prosocial behaviour: improves continuously
Hyperactivity: lowers extremely
Behavioural problems: lessen

SDQ – Individual Results (PDF) »



Cooperation and empathy: pupil no. 21 reaches the highest possible values.
Social contact: gradual improvement throughout the years, whereas the pupil from the control class drops extremely.

LSL – Individual Results (PDF) »



This test could not be evaluated due to language problems.

Quantitative Results - Countries

Germany and Belgium


In view of the calculated average values of the control and experimental classes in Germany and Belgium over the three-year test period, positive results of the test instrument (SDQ) can be determined on the basis of the teachers’ assessments. Although the pre-post comparisons may be small in some cases, positive areas can still be observed.
The experimental group improved fundamentally in the areas of overall problem score, prosocial behaviour and hyperactivity. Other subscales (behavioural problems, behavioural problems with peers and emotional problems) remained stable from T1 to T4. It is striking that there is a negative trend in the control group in precisely these subscales. One of the ‘highly significant differences’ can be seen in the control group ‘behavioural problems with peers’.
SDQ – Belgium Germany_Results (PDF) »


In view of the average values calculated for the control and experimental classes in Germany and Belgium over the three-year test period, the teachers’ assessments indicate positive results from the test instrument (LSL).
Clear improvements in the experimental class can be recognised, even if their effects cannot be classified as medium or high strengths.
The experimental group improved fundamentally in the areas of self-perception, self-assertion, social contact and slightly in the cooperation subscale. Other subscales (self-control and empathy) show the same behaviour from T1 to T4.
In contrast, there are consistently negative trends in the control class. Both classes are affected in all areas and deteriorate over the three-year study.
LSL – Belgium Germany_Results (PDF) »


It can generally be observed that the values improve in both groups. The situation is different for the ‘self-concept’ subscale. Here there is a negative trend in the control class and a positive increase in the experimental class. However, as there is generally no particular effect that needs to be emphasised, it can be said that the self-assessment of the pupils in both groups behaves in parallel.
FEESS – Belgium Germany_Results (PDF) »



Two schools in Denmark also took part in the project. Unfortunately, few tests are available from the control group, or they are incomplete. Nevertheless, the available questionnaires were evaluated and compared.

As not all test data was available for the Danish control group, only T2–T4 could be compared for the SDQ.
SDQ – Denmark_Results T2-T4 (PDF) »

Here you can see the individual evaluations of the SDQ which relate to the experimental class (T1–T4).
SDQ – Denmark_Results Experimental T1-T4 (PDF) »

In the LSL test, T1, T2, and T4 were compared.
LSL – Denmark_Results (PDF) »

Qualitative Results

Summaries and Questionnaires

The summaries and questionnaires teachers and pupils answered at the end of the project give personal impressions and are very insightful.

The storyteller entered the room to start her weekly session. Cushions had been put on the ground building a half circle around the teller’s seat which was occupied: A little boy sat on it. His mouth open and sounds were coming from it. Not words, not sentences, just sounds. He was one of the four pupils who were invited to join the storytelling session from the special school next door. He could not talk. But now he was in the storyteller place. All the other children already sitting in place hushed the ones talking “Be quiet! He is telling us a story!“. (Belgium)

Storytellers’ Summaries

Belgium_storyteller’s summary »
Denmark_storyteller’s summary »
Germany_storyteller’s summary »
Greece_storyteller’s summary »

„I am here waiting! Start!!“ murmured the tale to the teller. As it happened only one child was in the class room all the others had not come. Due to move, visit to an authority, taking care of a sick parent or sibling …
The teller followed the whispering, turned to the one child and the translator and began. A year went by and a new group had formed. Ond day the teller began to tell that story and was interrupted after a few sentences. „I know the tale!“ said a boy excidently. „A great tale! My cousin heard it here a long time ago and in the evening she told it to all of us!“.

Teachers’ Questionnaires

Belgium_teachers’ questionnaire »

Denmark_teachers’ questionnaire »

Germany_teachers’ questionnaire »
Germany_teachers’ summary »

Greece_teachers’ questionnaire »

There once was a girl who loved her aunt. But she lived far away. You even had to cross an ocean to visit her. Time separated them and the once lively talks dwindled down to „How are you? How is school?“.
But then one day the girl called her up and told her what had happened today at school. A storyteller had come and had told them a fairytale with kings and queens and dragons and witches. „Can you tell me the tale?“ the aunt asked. And the girl began to end with: The storyteller will come every wednesday with a new tale. „Oh how wonderful. Then you will call me in the evening and tell it to me!“.

Interviews with Pupils

Belgium_pupils’ interviews »

Denmark_pupils’ interviews »
Denmark_pupils’ letter »

Germany_pupils’ interviews »
Germany_pupil no.21 interview »

Greece_pupils’ interviews »

Pupils’ Inventions